Cardinal Place is the before/after school program located within the Willmar Public Schools. We currently have three sites – at Kennedy Elementary School, Roosevelt Elementary School, and Lakeland Elementary School.
Promoting families healthy growth and development through education, support and community building.
School Readiness preschool is a program for families with children 3 to 5 years old. Parents do not attend class with their child. However, they are required to be involved with the program. Many opportunities are available for families.
Become certified with the American Red Cross.
Willmar Community Education offers private or semi-private swimming instruction for all ages and ability levels. These lessons are 30 minutes in length and geared toward specific goals of each student.
Willmar Community Education swim lesson curriculum.
These classes are for children who are 4 by September 1, 2017
F.R.E.D. Families Reading Every Day. Children will discover a world of learning and friendship in our preschool classroom.
These classes are geared for parents and children under the age of 1.
These classes are for families with children from birth to pre-kindergarten.
In-person or online classes for parents.
Time to join other families for a special day far or near.
A Saturday morning of fun for children up to age 6 and their parents.
Our mission is to provide a safe, caring, and fun environment for children that meets social, physical, and emotional needs through a variety of experiences and activities. We will encourage children to make positive choices while promoting self-awareness, fostering creativity, and providing leadership opportunities.
We offer homework help, crafts, activities, organized physical activities, outside time, social opportunities, computer lab, science experiments, cooking projects, and so much more! Once a month, we collaborate with 4-H/University of Minnesota Extension to offer a fun alternative to our regular programming.
We are open holiday breaks, during late starts and early releases, and on days when school is cancelled.
All non-school days must be registered for separately. Refunds will not be given for pre-registered non school days. Your child will need to bring a home lunch. Morning and afternoon snack is provided.
**A membership fee of $25.00 needs to be submitted with your registration form to guarantee a spot in Cardinal Place.
Cardinal Place will submit vouchers to Kandiyohi County if you qualify for assistance. County co-payments are due bi-weekly on Thursday of the current county billing period. You will be considered self pay until we receive your contract.